Using nxshell to automate bulk operations


NxShell is based on Jython and provide access to NetXMS Java API using interactive shell. NxShell is build as single jar file, which includes all required libraries.

Download: (change 1.2.5 to required version)


Start as interactive shell:

java -jar nxshell-1.2.5.jar

Execute script "":

java -jar nxshell-1.2.5.jar

When NxShell is started, it tries to get server IP, login and password from command line parameters. In interactive mode, user will be asked for details, otherwise default values will be used.

Start as interactive shell, with IP and Login provided (password will be asked):

java -Dnetxms.server= -Dnetxms.login=admin -jar nxshell-1.2.5.jar


These properties should be set with JVM's "-D" option. Please make sure that all "-D" options are before "-jar".

Parameter Default Value
netxms.login admin
netxms.password netxms


For details on API please refer to javadoc at

NxShell provide user with already connected and synchronised session to simplify scripting. Most required packages are imported as well to minimize typing.

Global Variables

Variable Type Notes
session org.netxms.client.NXCSession
s org.netxms.client.NXCSession Alias for "session"

Helper Functions

Sample Scripts

Create Container and some nodes

parentId = objects.GenericObject.SERVICEROOT # Infrastructure Services root
cd = NXCObjectCreationData(objects.GenericObject.OBJECT_CONTAINER, "Sample Container", parentId);
containerId = session.createObject(cd) # createObject return ID of newly created object
print '"Sample Container" created, id=%d' % (containerId, )

flags = NXCObjectCreationData.CF_DISABLE_ICMP | \
        NXCObjectCreationData.CF_DISABLE_NXCP | \
for i in xrange(0, 5):
    name = "Node %d" % (i + 1, )
    cd = NXCObjectCreationData(objects.GenericObject.OBJECT_NODE, name, containerId);
    cd.setPrimaryName("") # Create node without IP address
    nodeId = session.createObject(cd)
    print '"%s" created, id=%d' % (name, nodeId)

Change Object comments

for name in open("nodes.txt").readlines():
    node = session.findObjectByName(name.strip())
    if node:
        comments = "New Comment"
        existingComments = node.getComments() # will return null if there are no comments
        if existingComments:
            comments += "\n" + existingComments
        session.updateObjectComments(node.getObjectId(), comments)

Manage / Unmanage interfaces based on the name

(works for any Object).

from org.netxms.client.objects import GenericObject, Node, Interface

for name in open("nodes.txt").readlines():
    node = session.findObjectByName(name.strip())
    if node:
        for interface in node.getAllChilds(GenericObject.OBJECT_INTERFACE): # 3 == interface
            name = interface.getObjectName()
            if name.startswith('lo'):
                session.setObjectManaged(interface.getObjectId(), True)
                session.setObjectManaged(interface.getObjectId(), False)

Disable SNMP polling for node

from org.netxms.client.objects import Node

for name in open("nodes.txt").readlines():
    node = session.findObjectByName(name.strip())
    if node:
        md = NXCObjectModificationData(node.getObjectId())
        newFlags = node.getFlags() | Node.NF_DISABLE_SNMP