Server Configuration Variables

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After reading the connection information from the configuration file, the server is connected to the database and operational. Additional configuration is stored in the database itself and accessible through the Server Configuration window in the console.

Please note that changes to most of the settings will take effect only after server restart.

Parameter Description Default Require Restart
ActiveDiscoveryInterval Interval in seconds between active network discovery polls. 7200 Yes
ActiveNetworkDiscovery Enable (1) or disable (0) active network discovery. 0 Yes
AgentCommandTimeout Timeout in milliseconds for commands sent to agent. If agent did not respond to command within given number of seconds, command considered as failed. 2000 Yes
AgentUpgradeWaitTime Maximum wait time in seconds for agent restart after upgrade. If agent cannot be contacted after this time period, upgrade process is considered as failed. 600 No
AlarmHistoryRetentionTime A number of days the server keeps an alarm history in the database. 180 No
AllowDirectSMS Allow (1) or disallow (0) sending of SMS via NetXMS server using nxsms utility. 0 No
AllowedCiphers A bitmask for encryption algorithms allowed in the server: 1 - AES256, 2 - Blowfish, 4 - IDEA, 8 - 3DES, 16 - AES128 (sum the values to allow multiple algorithms at once). 31 Yes
AllowTrapVarbindsConversion 1 Yes
AnonymousFileAccess 0 No
ApplyDCIFromTemplateToDisabledDCI Set to 1 to apply all DCIs from a template to the node, including disabled ones. 0 Yes
AuditLogRetentionTime Retention time in days for the records in audit log. All records older than specified will be deleted by housekeeping process. 90 No
BeaconHosts Comma-separated list of hosts to be used as beacons for checking NetXMS server network connectivity. Either DNS names or IP addresses can be used. This list is pinged by NetXMS server and if none of the hosts have responded, server considers that connection with network is lost and generates specific event. Yes
BeaconPollingInterval Interval in milliseconds between beacon hosts polls. 1000 Yes
BeaconTimeout Timeout in milliseconds to consider beacon host unreachable. 1000 Yes
BlockInactiveUserAccounts 0 No
CapabilityExpirationTime 604800 No
CheckTrustedNodes Enable (1) or disable (0) checking of trusted nodes list for cross-node data collection (using Proxy Node DCI attribute). 1 Yes
ClientListenerPort The server port for incoming client connections (such as management console). 4701 Yes
ConditionPollingInterval Interval in seconds between polling (re-evaluating) of condition objects. 60 Yes
ConfigurationPollingInterval Interval in seconds between configuration polls. 3600 Yes
ConnectionPoolBaseSize A number of connections to the database created on the server startup. 5 Yes
ConnectionPoolCooldownTime 300 Yes
ConnectionPoolMaxSize A maximum number of connections in the connection pool. 20 Yes
DataDirectory Directory used by server to store additional data – MIB files, agent packages, etc. Windows: \var under installation directory;

UNIX: /share/netxms under installation prefix.

DefaultCommunityString System-wide default SNMP community string. public No
DefaultDciPollingInterval Default polling interval for newly created DCI (in seconds). 60 No
DefaultDciRetentionTime Default retention time for newly created DCI (in days). 60 No
DefaultEncryptionPolicy Set the default encryption policy for communications with agents: 0 - encryption disabled, 1 - allowed, 2 - preferred, 3 - required. 1 Yes
DefaultMapBackgroundColor Default background color for new network map objects (as RGB value). 0xffffff No
DeleteEmptySubnets Enable (1) or disable (0) automatic deletion of subnet objects without any nodes within. When enabled, empty subnets will be deleted by housekeeping process. 1 Yes
DeleteUnreachableNodesPeriod Delete nodes which were unreachable for a number of days specified by this parameter. If this parameter is set to 0 then unreachable nodes will never be deleted. 0 Yes
DisableVacuum Disable (1) or enable (0) VACUUM command for PostgreSQL database as part of housekeeping procedures. 0 No
DiscoveryFilter No
DiscoveryFilterFlags 3 No
DiscoveryPollingInterval Interval in seconds between passive network discovery polls. 900 Yes
EnableAdminInterface 1 Yes
EnableAgentRegistration Enable (1) or disable (0) agents self-registration. 1 No
EnableAuditLog Enable (1) or disable (0) audit log. 1 Yes
EnableEventStormDetection 0 Yes
EnableISCListener Enable (1) or disable (0) Inter-Server Communications Listener. 0 Yes
EnableMultipleDBConnections Enable (1) or disable (0) multiple database connections from the NetXMS server. This setting has no effect on SQLite databases. 1 Yes
EnableNXSLContainerFunctions Enable (1) or disable (0) server-side NXSL functions for container management (such as CreateContainer, RemoveContainer, BindObject, UnbindObject). 0 Yes
EnableSNMPTraps Enable (1) or disable (0) SNMP trap processing. A dedicated thread will be created if set to 1. 1 Yes
EnableSyslogDaemon Enable (1) or disable (0) receiving of syslog messages. 0 Yes
EnableZoning Enable (1) or disable (0) zoning support. 0 Yes
EscapeLocalCommands If it is set to 1, tab, carriage return, and new line characters will be replaced by \t, \r, and \n in commands. 0 No
EventLogRetentionTime 90 No
EventStormDuration 15 Yes
EventStormEventsPerSecond 100 Yes
ExtendedLogQueryAccessControl Enable (1) or disable (0) extended access control in log queries. When enabled, server will check user's access to objects and only select those log records where user has read access to related object. Please note that enabling this option can cause slow and inefficient SQL queries depending on number of objects and actual access right assignment. 0 No
ExternalAuditFacility Syslog facility to be used in audit log records sent to external server. 13 Yes
ExternalAuditPort UDP port of external syslog server to send audit records to. 514 Yes
ExternalAuditServer External syslog server to send audit records to. If set to none, external audit logging is disabled. none Yes
ExternalAuditSeverity Syslog severity to be used in audit log records sent to external server. 5 Yes
ExternalAuditTag Syslog tag to be used in audit log records sent to external server. netxmsd-audit Yes
FixedStatusValue 0 Yes
HouseKeepingInterval Interval of housekeeper'a running (in seconds). Housekeeper deletes old log lines, old DCI data, cleans removed objects and does VACUUM for PostgreSQL. 3600 Yes
IcmpPingSize Size of ICMP packets (in bytes, excluding IP header size) used for status polls. 46 Yes
IcmpPingTimeout Timeout for ICMP ping used for status polls (in milliseconds). 1500 Yes
InternalCA Enable (1) or disable (0) internal certificate authority. 0 Yes
IntruderLockoutThreshold 0 No
IntruderLockoutTime 30 No
JobHistoryRetentionTime 90 No
KeepAliveInterval Interval in seconds between sending keep alive packets to connected clients. 60 Yes
LockTimeout Unused? 60000 Yes
LogAllSNMPTraps 0 Yes
MailEncoding Encoding for mails generated by NetXMS server. iso-8859-1 No
MailBase64Subjects Encode email subjects using base64. Encoding enabled if non-zero 0 No
MaxActiveUploadJobs 10 Yes
MinPasswordLength Default minimum password length for a NetXMS user. The default applied only if per-user setting is not defined. 0 No
NumberOfBusinessServicePollers A number of threads responsible for business service (SLA) monitoring. 10 Yes
NumberOfConditionPollers A number of threads responsible for condition polling. 10 Yes
NumberOfConfigurationPollers A number of threads responsible for configuration polling. 10 Yes
NumberOfDatabaseWriters The number of threads used to perform delayed writes to database. 1 Yes
NumberOfDataCollectors The number of threads used for data collection. 25 Yes
NumberOfDiscoveryPollers A number of threads responsible for network discovery polling. 1 Yes
NumberOfRoutingTablePollers The number of threads used for polling routing tables on monitored nodes. If you have a really large number of monitored nodes (more than 1000), or if you have decreased routing table update interval, you may need to increase this parameter. 10 Yes
NumberOfStatusPollers The number of threads used for status polling. Since accurate status polling is sensitive for normal system operation, it is highly recommended to have this parameter set to approximately 1/10 of the number of monitored nodes. 25 Yes
NumberOfTopologyPollers The number of threads used for collecting network topology information. 10 Yes
NumberOfUpgradeThreads The number of threads used to perform agent upgrades (i.e. maximum number of parallel upgrades). 10 No
PasswordComplexity Set of flags to enforce password complexity (see Password Policy for more details). 0 No
PasswordExpiration Password expiration time in days. If set to 0, password expiration is disabled. 0 No
PasswordHistoryLength Number of previous passwords to keep. Users are not allowed to set password if it matches one from previous passwords list. 0 No
PollCountForStatusChange The number of consecutive unsuccessful polls required to declare interface as down. 1 Yes
ProcessTrapsFromUnmanagedNodes Enable (1) or disable (0) processing of SNMP traps received from node which is in unmanaged state. 0 Yes
RADIUSNumRetries The number of retries for RADIUS authentication. 5 No
RADIUSPort Port number used for connection to primary RADIUS server. 1645 No
RADIUSSecondaryPort Port number used for connection to secondary RADIUS server. 1645 No
RADIUSSecondarySecret Shared secret used for communication with secondary RADIUS server. netxms No
RADIUSSecondaryServer Host name or IP address of secondary RADIUS server. none No
RADIUSSecret Shared secret used for communication with primary RADIUS server. netxms No
RADIUSServer Host name or IP address of primary RADIUS server. none No
RADIUSTimeout Timeout in seconds for requests to RADIUS server 3 No
ReceiveForwardedEvents Enable (1) or disable (0) reception of events forwarded by another NetXMS server. Please note that for external event reception ISC listener should be enabled as well. 0 No
ResolveNodeNames 1 No
RoutingTableUpdateInterval Interval in seconds between reading routing table from node. 300 Yes
RunNetworkDiscovery Enable (1) or disable (0) automatic network discovery process. 0 Yes
SMSDriver Mobile phone driver to be used for sending SMS. <none> Yes
SMSDrvConfig SMS driver parameters. For generic driver, it should be the name of COM port device. Yes
SMTPFromAddr An address used for sending mail from. netxms@localhost No
SMTPFromName A name used for sending mail. NetXMS Server No
SMTPPort TCP port for SMTP server. 25 No
SMTPRetryCount Number of retries for sending mail. 1 No
SMTPServer An SMTP server used for sending mail. localhost No
SNMPRequestTimeout Timeout in milliseconds for SNMP requests sent by NetXMS server. 2000 Yes
SlmPollingInterval Interval in seconds between business service polls. 60 Yes
StatusCalculationAlgorithm 1 Yes
StatusPollingInterval Interval in seconds between status polls. 60 Yes
StatusPropagationAlgorithm Algorithm for status propagation (how object's status affects its child object statuses). Possible values are:
0 Default
1 Unchanged
2 Fixed
3 Relative
4 Translated
1 Yes
StatusShift 0 Yes
StatusSingleThreshold 75 Yes
StatusThresholds 503C2814 Yes
StatusTranslation 01020304 Yes
SyncInterval Interval in seconds between writing object changes to the database. 60 Yes
SyncNodeNamesWithDNS Enable (1) or disable (0) synchronization of node names with DNS on each configuration poll. 0 No
SyslogListenPort UDP port used by built-in syslog server. 514 Yes
SyslogNodeMatchingPolicy Node matching policy for built-in syslog daemon. Possible values are:
0 syslog message source IP address then hostname
1 hostname then syslog message source IP address
0 Yes
SyslogRetentionTime Retention time in days for records in syslog. All records older than specified will be deleted by housekeeping process. 90 No
ThresholdRepeatInterval System-wide interval in seconds for resending threshold violation events. Value of 0 disables event resending. 0 Yes
TileServerURL No
TopologyDiscoveryRadius 3 No
TopologyExpirationTime 900 No
TopologyPollingInterval 1800 Yes
UseDNSNameForDiscoveredNodes Enable (1) or disable (0) use of DNS name instead of IP address as primary name for newly discovered nodes. If enabled, server will do back resolve of IP address, and then resolve obtained name back to IP address. Only if this IP address will match the original one, DNS name will be used. 0 No
UseFQDNForNodeNames Enable (1) or disable (0) use of fully qualified domain names as primary names for newly discovered nodes. 1 Yes
UseIfXTable Enable (1) or disable (0) use of SNMP ifXTable instead of ifTable for interface configuration polling. 1 No
UseInterfaceAliases Control usage of interface aliases (or descriptions). Possible values are:
0 Don’t use aliases;
1 Use aliases instead of names, when possible;
2 Concatenate alias and name to form interface object name.
3 Concatenate name and alias to form interface object name.
0 No
WindowsConsoleUpgradeURL URL pointing to the actual version of NetXMS Console for Windows. Console application will try to download new version from this URL, if it detects that upgrade is needed. You can use %version % macro inside the URL to insert actual server version. No