Revision as of 09:28, 12 August 2017 by Victor (talk | contribs)

Represents NetXMS node object.

Class Name



Inherits all attributes of the NetObj class.

Name Type Description
agentVersion string NetXMS agent's version
bootTime int64 Node boot time or 0 if not known (in seconds since epoch)
bridgeBaseAddress string Bridge base address (will return "000000000000" if not known or node is not a bridge/switch)
components NXSL:Component The root physical component object of the node
driver string Driver name
flags uint32 Node flags (bit mask)
"is802_1x" or "isPAE" boolean TRUE if node supports 802.1x
isAgent boolean TRUE if NetXMS agent detected on node
isBridge boolean TRUE if node is a bridge
isCDP boolean TRUE if node supports CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol)
isLLDP boolean TRUE if node supports LLDP (Link Layer Discovery Protocol)
"isLocalMgmt" or "isLocalManagement" boolean TRUE if node is a local management server (NetXMS server)
isPrinter boolean TRUE if node is a printer
isRouter boolean TRUE if node is a router (has IP forwarding enabled)
isSMCLP boolean TRUE if SMCLP agent detected on node
isSNMP boolean TRUE if SNMP agent detected on node
isSONMP boolean TRUE if node supports SONMP/NDP (Synoptics/Nortel Discovery Protocol)
platformName string Platform name reported by NetXMS agent
runtimeFlags uint32 Node runtime flags (bit mask)
snmpOID string SNMP object identifier (value of .
snmpSysContact string SNMP system contact (value of .
snmpSysLocation string SNMP system location (value of .
snmpSysName string SNMP system name (value of .
snmpVersion int32 Configured SNMP version (0 for SNMP version 1, 1 for SNMP version 2c, 2 for SNMP version 3)
sysDescription string System description (value of System.Uname for nodes with agents or . for SNMP nodes)
zone object (Zone) Zone object (null if zoning is disabled)
zoneId int32 Zone ID (0 if zoning is disabled)


Name Parameters Return value Description
clearGeoLocation none none Clears GeoLocation data from the node
setGeoLocation Object of GeoLocation class none Sets GeoLocation data for the node
enableAgent boolean none Enable or disable usage of NetXMS agent for all polls
enableConfigurationPolling boolean none Enable or disable configuration polling for a node
enableIcmp boolean none Enable or disable usage of ICMP pings for status polls
enableRoutingTablePolling boolean none Enable or disable routing table polling (since 2.1.1)
enableSnmp boolean none Enable or disable usage of SNMP for all polls
enableStatusPolling boolean none Enable or disable status polling for a node
enableTopologyPolling boolean none Enable or disable topology polling

Example (disable usage of NetXMS agent for all polls):
