Coding Style

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= Coding style for C and C++ =

1. Function names: each word in function name should start with capital letter. No underscores. For example: CreateNewUser. Underscores allowed in parameter handlers, which can start with H_ prefix, like this: H_FreeDiskSpace.

2. Class names: each word in class name should start with capital letter. No underscores. For example: NetworkService. Consecutive capital letters should be avoided, i.e. use SnmpObject instead of SNMPObject.

3. Class methods: each word in method name should start with capital letter, except first word. No underscores. For example: NetworkService::createService().

4. Class members: name must start with m_ prefix, each word in member name should start with capital letter, except first word. No underscores. For example: NetworkService::m_serviceId.

5. Indentation offset: 3

6. Opening { should be placed on next line without indentation, like below:

   if (a < b)

7. Operators and operands should be separated by spaces, like below:

   a = x + 20 / (y - z);

8. Function arguments should be separated by spaces, like below:

   z = function(p1, p2, p3);

9. One-line comments should be placed with the same indentation level as code, like this:

   c = xxx();
   if (a)
      // comment

10. Brackets after for and while operators may or may not be separated by spaces (I prefer not to separate them, but it's not a big problem IMHO).

11. For type cast type name must be enclosed in brackets, without spaces. For example: (DWORD)x.

12. It is recommended to use the following typedefs as a replacement for certain system data types:

WORD unsigned short (16 bit unsigned integer)
LONG instead of system's 32 signed integer
DWORD unsigned long (32 bit unsigned integer)
INT64 instead of system's 64 bit signed integer
QWORD instead of system's 64 bit unsigned integer

Coding style for Java

1. Class names: each word in class name should start with capital letter. No underscores. For example: NetworkService. Consecutive capital letters should be avoided, i.e. use SnmpObject instead of SNMPObject.

2. Interfaces should not be prefixed with I character.

3. Class members (both methods and attributes): each word in member name should start with capital letter, except first word. No underscores. For example: NetworkService.serviceId. Consecutive capital letters should be avoided, i.e. use getSnmpPort instead of getSNMPPort.

4. Indentation offset: 3

5. Opening { should be placed on next line without indentation, like below:

   if (a < b)

the only exception is anonymous inner class definition, like below:

	menuMgr.addMenuListener(new IMenuListener() {
		public void menuAboutToShow(IMenuManager mgr)

6. Operators and operands should be separated by spaces, like below:

   a = x + 20 / (y - z);

7. Method arguments should be separated by spaces, like below:

   z = method(p1, p2, p3);

8. One-line comments should be placed with the same indentation level as code, like this:

   c = xxx();
   if (a)
      // comment

9. Brackets after for and while operators may or may not be separated by spaces (I prefer not to separate them).