Autologin for Management Console

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Revision as of 16:26, 6 October 2014 by Victor (talk | contribs)
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Desktop Console

Starting from version 1.2.4, it is possible to connect management console (nxmc) to server automatically without login dialog. There are additional command line options for that:

-auto Connect to server automatically without login dialog
-dashboard=dashboard Automatically open given dashboard after login (either dashboard object ID or name can be specified)
-login=login Set login name
-password=password Set password, default is empty
-server=address Set server name or IP address

For example, to connect management console to server as user guest with empty password, use command

nxmc -auto -server= -login=guest

Web Console

Starting from version 1.2.7, it is possible to connect web management console to server automatically without login dialog. There are additional URL parameters for that:

auto Connect to server automatically without login dialog
dashboard=dashboard Automatically open given dashboard after login (either dashboard object ID or name can be specified)
login=login Set login name, default is guest
password=password Set password, default is empty
server=address Set server name or IP address

For example, to connect web management console to server as user guest with empty password and open dashboard called "SystemOverview", use URL



Dashboard option available starting from version 1.2.17.