Installing NetXMS Agent on UNIX

1. Download the latest version from, if you don't have it. You will need source archive (named netxms-VERSION.tar.gz, for example netxms-1.2.0.tar.gz). Please note that in the following steps VERSION will be used as a substitution for an actual version number.

2. Unpack the archive:

$ tar zxvf netxms-VERSION.tar.gz

3. Change directory to netxms-version and run configure script:

$ cd netxms-VERSION
$ sh ./configure --with-agent

Important arguments:

  • --prefix=DIRECTORY: installation prefix, all files goes to specified directory;
  • --with-agent: build monitoring agent.

To learn more about possible configure parameters, run it with --help option.

4. Run make and make install:

$ make
$ make install

5. Copy sample config file to desired location:

$ cp contrib/nxagentd.conf-dist /etc/nxagentd.conf

By default, an agent will look for configuration file in installdir/etc (/usr/local/etc by default) and then in /etc directory. If you wish to place configuration file in different location, don't forget to use –c command line switch to specify alternate location.

6. Modify agent's configuration file (/etc/nxagentd.conf). For detailed description of possible parameters, please refer to NetXMS User's Manual. At least, you should set the following parameters:

MasterServers = your_management_server_IP_address
LogFile = log_file
FileStore = place_for_agent_temporary_files

7. Run agent:

# /usr/local/bin/nxagentd –d

Now you have a working NetXMS agent.

Upgrading NetXMS Agent on UNIX

We highly recommend using centralized agent upgrade feature for agent upgrades. However, if you decide to upgrade an agent manually, it can be done in just a few steps:

1. Download the latest version from, if you don't have it. You will need source archive (named netxms-VERSION.tar.gz, for example netxms-0.2.20.tar.gz). Please note that in the following steps VERSION will be used as a substitution for an actual version number.

2. Unpack the archive:

$ tar zxvf netxms-VERSION.tar.gz

3. Change directory to netxms-version and run configure script:

$ cd netxms-VERSION
$ sh ./configure --with-agent

Important configure arguments:

  • --prefix=DIRECTORY: installation prefix, all files go to a specified directory;
  • --with-agent: build monitoring agent.

To learn more about possible configure parameters, run it with --help option.

4. Run make:

$ make

5. Stop NetXMS agent.

6. Run make install:

$ make install

7. Start NetXMS agent.

Installing NetXMS Agent on Windows

1. Download the latest version from, if you don't have it. You will need Windows Agent installer (named nxagent-VERSION.exe or nxagent-VERSION-x64.exe, for example nxagent-1.2.0.exe).

2. Run the installer package on target server. Installation wizard will be shown. Follow the prompts until the NetXMS Server window opens:


Enter IP address or host name of your NetXMS server. You can specify multiple management servers, separating them by commas. Press the Next button to continue.

3. Subagent Selection window will open:


In this window, you can select which subagents you wish to load. Each subagent extends agent's functionality, as described below:

Subagent Description
ping.nsm Adds possibility to send ICMP pings from monitored host. Ping round-trip times can be collected by management server.
portcheck.nsm Adds possibility to check network services (like FTP or HTTP) from monitored host.
winperf.nsm Provides access to Windows performance counters. This subagent is required if you need to collect CPU utilization from monitored host.
wmi.nsm Provides access to WMI data.
ups.nsm Adds support for UPS monitoring. UPS can be attached to host via serial cable or USB.

For more information about subagents, please refer to NetXMS User's Manual.

4. Follow the prompts to complete the installation.

Upgrading NetXMS Agent on Windows

We highly recommend using centralized agent upgrade feature for agent upgrades. However, if you decide to upgrade agent manually, it can be done in just a few steps:

1. Download the latest version from, if you don't have it. You will need Windows Agent installer (named nxagent-VERSION.exe or nxagent-VERSION-x64.exe, for example nxagent-1.2.0.exe).

2. Run NetXMS agent installer and follow the prompts. Normally, you will not need to change any settings on installation wizard dialog windows. Alternatively, you can run installer with /SILENT option to disable any prompts:

C:\Download> nxagent-1.2.0.exe /SILENT

Unattended installation of NetXMS Agent on Windows

Windows Agent installer (named nxagent-VERSION.exe or nxagent-VERSION-x64.exe, for example nxagent-1.2.0.exe), has various command line options for unattended installation. These options are following:

/SILENT Don't show installation wizard, only a progress bar;
/VERYSILENT Don't show anything;
/SUPPRESSMSGBOXES Don't ask user anything;
/DIR=path Set installation directory (default is C:\NetXMS);
/SERVER=address Set address of master server (will be written to generated agent's configuration file as value for MasterServers parameter);
/SUBAGENT=name Enable subagent name;
/NOSUBAGENT=name Disable subagent name.

Valid subagent names are ECS, PING, PORTCHECK, WINPERF, WMI, and UPS. By default WINPERF is enabled and all others are disabled.

For example, to install agent silently (without any messages or progress bars), use Windows Performance and UPS management subagents, and set NetXMS management server address to, run the following command (it should be on one line):


Installing NetXMS Agent on NetWare

Last supported agent version for Novell NetWare is 1.0.13. However, it will communicate with servers version 1.1.x and 1.2.x.

1. Download the latest version from, if you don't have it. You will need archive with precompiled NetWare binaries (named netxms-VERSION-netware-binaries.tar.gz, for example netxms-1.0.13-netware-binaries.tar.gz).

2. Unpack arcive to the desired location on your NetWare server, for example, SYS:/NetXMS.

3. Copy sample configuration file to desired location. By default, an agent will look for configuration file in SYS:/etc directory. If you wish to place configuration file in different location, don't forget to use –c command line switch to specify alternate location.

4. Modify agent's configuration file (by default, SYS:/etc/nxagentd.conf). For detailed description of possible parameters, please refer to Agent Configuration File section in System Reference. At least, you should set the following parameters:

MasterServers = your_management_server_IP_address

LogFile = log_file

FileStore = place_for_agent_temporary_files

5. Add the following line to your autoexec.ncf:


If you agent's configuration file located in directory other than SYS:/etc, specify it on command line:

LOAD install_dir/NXAGENTD.NLM –c config_file

This will ensure automatic agent loading on server startup.

6. Load NetXMS agent by typing command used in previous paragraph on server console to load NetXMS agent.

Upgrading NetXMS Agent on NetWare

1. Download the latest version from, if you don't have it. You will need archive with precompiled NetWare binaries (named netxms-VERSION-netware-binaries.tar.gz, for example netxms-1.0.13-netware-binaries.tar.gz).

2. Stop NetXMS agent by entering the following command on server console:


3. Unpack arcive to the directory on your NetWare server where NetXMS agent currently installed.

4. Start NetXMS agent by entering the following command on server console:


If you agent's configuration file located in directory other than SYS:/etc, specify it on the command line:

LOAD install_dir/NXAGENTD.NLM –c config_file