UM:NetXMS Scripting Language (NXSL)

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NXSL Overview

In many parts of the system, fine tuning can be done by using NetXMS built-in scripting language called NXSL (stands for NetXMS Scripting Language). NXSL was designed specifically to be used as embedded scripting language within NetXMS, and because of this has some specific features and limitations. Most notable is very limited access to data outside script boundaries – for example, from NXSL script you cannot access files on server, nor call external programs, nor even access data of the node object other than script is running for without explicit permission. NXSL is interpreted language – scripts first compiled into internal representation (similar to byte code in Java), which than executed inside NXSL VM.

"Hello, World!" Program

Syntactically, NXSL looks similar to Perl or C. Here's simple NXSL program:

/* sample program */
sub main()
   println "Hello!";
   return 0;

This program will print word Hello on screen.

Also, keep in mind that you are free to choose your own formatting style. E.g. the above could have been written as:

/* sample program */ sub main(){println "Hello!";return 0;}

Now we'll analyze this program:

/* sample program */

Everything inside /* */ is considered a comment and will be ignored by interpreter. You can enclose comments, like below:

/* comment /* another comment */ still comment */

You can also use single line comments:

x = 1; // everything between two slashes and end of line is a comment

Now onto next line:

sub main()

This is a function definition. A function is a part of a program that can be called by other parts of the program. A function definition always has the following form:

sub name(parameters) {

  /* the function code goes here */


The function can return a value to the caller and accept zero or more parameters.

The function name follows the rules for all names (formally: identifiers): it must consist entirely of letters (uppercase and lowercase are different!), digits, underscores (_) and dollar signs ($), but may not begin with a digit. Please note that most special identifiers starts with dollar sign ($), so it is recommended not to start your identifiers with it.

First line in function code looks like

println "Hello!";

In this line, println is an embedded operator which prints given string to standard output with carriage return, and "Hello!" is a string we want to print. Please note semicolon at the end of line – it's a separator between operators. Each operator should end with semicolon.

The next, and final, line of our small program is:

return 0;

return is another built-in operator which exits the function and sets it's return value.


NXSL is loose typed programming language. The system will automatically determine each variable type, assign a certain type to a variable and convert a variable type from one to another, if necessary. For example, a result for 3 + "4" will be 7, because the system will automatically convert "4" string into an integer. In case if the system is not able to automatically convert a line into an appropriate integer, the operation will result in a runtime error.

NXSL supports the following variable types:

  • integer (32 bit),
  • unsigned integer (32 bit),
  • integer (64 bit), unsigned integer (64 bit),
  • floating-point number,
  • string,
  • array,
  • object.

In addition to that, NXSL also supports a special variable type – NULL. This value represents a variable with no value. NULL is the only possible value of type NULL. An attempt to perform any type of arithmetical or string operations with NULL variable will result in system runtime error.

It is possible to manually convert variable to a certain type, using a special function, named depending on the variable type. For example, string(4). That way it is also possible to convert NULL type variables. Therefore, to avoid runtime errors while processing NULL type variables, it is advised to use manual conversion.

NXSL does not require setting variable type beforehand. The only exception to this is arrays. In case if an array is required, operator array defines its subsequent variables as arrays. Accessing variable which was not previously assigned will return NULL value.

Although NXSL has object type variables, it is not an object-oriented language. It is not possible to define classes or create objects at script level – only in extensions written in C++. Object type variables are used to return information about complex NetXMS objects, like nodes or events, in a convenient way. Please note that assigning object type variables actually holds reference to an object, so assigning object value to another variable does not duplicate actual object, but just copy reference to it.

To get a human-readable representation of a variable or expression type for debugging, use the typeof() function, and to get a class name for object type variables, use classof() function.


Variables in NXSL behave the same way as variables in most popular programming languages (C, C++, etc.) do, but in NXSL you don't have to declare variables before you use them.

The scope of a variable is the function within which it is defined. Any variable used inside a function is by default limited to the local function scope.



An array in NXSL is actually an ordered map. A map is a type that associates values to keys. This type is optimized for several different uses; it can be treated as an array, list (vector), hash table (an implementation of a map), dictionary, collection, stack, queue, and probably more. As array values can be other arrays, trees and multidimensional arrays are also possible.

A key must be a non-negative integer. When an array is created, its size is not specified and its map can have empty spots in it. For example, an array can have a element with a 0 key and an element with 4 key and no keys in-between. Attempting to access an array key which has not been defined is the same as accessing any other undefined variable: the result will be NULL.


An operator is something that you feed with one or more values, which yields another value.

Arithmetic Operators

Table 1: Arithmetic Operators

-a Negation Opposite of a.
a + b Addition Sum of a and b.
a - b Subtraction Difference of a and b.
a * b Multiplication Product of a and b.
a / b Division Quotient of a and b.
a % b Modulus Remainder of a divided by b.

The division operator ("/") returns a float value unless the two operands are integers (or strings that get converted to integers) and the numbers are evenly divisible, in which case an integer value will be returned.

Calling modulus on float operands will yield runtime error.

Assignment Operator

The assignment operator is "=", which means that the left operand gets set to the value of the expression on the rights (that is, "gets set to").

Bitwise Operators

Table 2: Bitwise Operators

~ a Not Bits that are set in a are not set, and vice versa.
a & b And Bits that are set in both operand are set.
a | b Or Bits that are set in either operand are set.
a ^ b Xor Bits that are set in only one operand are set.
a << b Shift left Shift the bits of a b steps to the left (each step means "multiply by two").
a >> b Shift right Shift the bits of a b steps to the right (each step means "divide by two").

Comparison Operators

Comparison operators allow you to compare two values.

Table 3: Comparison Operators

a == b Equal TRUE if a is equal to b.
a != b Not equal TRUE if a is not equal to b.
a < b Less than TRUE if a is strictly less than b.
a > b Greater than TRUE if a is strictly greater than b.
a <= b Less than or equal to TRUE if a is less than or equal to b.
a >= b Greater than or equal to TRUE if a is greater than or equal to b.
a ~= b Match TRUE if a is matched to regular expression b. As a side effect, assigns values to special variables $1, $2, $3, etc. See Regular Expressions for details.

Incrementing/Decrementing Operators

NXSL supports C-style pre- and post-increment and decrement operators.

Table 4: Incrementing/Decrementing Operators

++a Pre-increment Increments a by one, then returns a.
a++ Post-increment Returns a, then increments a by one.
--a Pre-decrement Decrements a by one, then returns a.
a-- Post-decrement Returns a, then decrements a by one.

Logical Operators

Table 5: Logical Operators

! a Not TRUE if a is not TRUE.
a && b And TRUE if both a and b is TRUE.
a b Or TRUE if either a or b is TRUE.

String Operators

There are two string operators. The first is the concatenation operator ('.'), which returns the concatenation of its right and left arguments. The second is the concatenating assignment operator (.=), which appends the argument on the right side to the argument on the left side.

Control structures

Any NXSL script is built out of a series of statements. A statement can be an assignment, a function call, a loop, a conditional statement or even a statement that does nothing (an empty statement). Statements usually end with a semicolon. In addition, statements can be grouped into a statement-group by encapsulating a group of statements with curly braces. A statement-group is a statement by itself as well. The various statement types are supported:

  • if
  • else
  • while
  • do-while
  • for
  • break
  • continue
  • switch
  • return
  • exit


The if construct is one of the most important features of many languages. It allows for conditional execution of code fragments. NXSL features an if structure that is similar to that of C:

if (expr)


Often you'd want to execute a statement if a certain condition is met, and a different statement if the condition is not met. This is what else is for. else extends an if statement to execute a statement in case the expression in the if statement evaluates to FALSE. The else statement is only executed if the if expression evaluated to FALSE.


while loops are the simplest type of loop in NXSL. They behave just like their C counterparts. The basic form of a while statement is:

while (expr)

The meaning of a while statement is simple. It tells NXSL to execute the nested statement(s) repeatedly, as long as the while expression evaluates to TRUE. The value of the expression is checked each time at the beginning of the loop, so even if this value changes during the execution of the nested statement(s), execution will not stop until the end of the iteration.


do-while loops are very similar to while loops, except the truth expression is checked at the end of each iteration instead of in the beginning. The main difference from regular while loops is that the first iteration of a do-while loop is guaranteed to run (the truth expression is only checked at the end of the iteration), whereas it may not necessarily run with a regular while loop (the truth expression is checked at the beginning of each iteration, if it evaluates to FALSE right from the beginning, the loop execution would end immediately). 


for loops are the most complex loops in NXSL. They behave like their C counterparts. The syntax of a for loop is:

for (expr1; expr2; expr3)

The first expression (expr1) is evaluated (executed) once unconditionally at the beginning of the loop.

In the beginning of each iteration, expr2 is evaluated. If it evaluates to TRUE, the loop continues and the nested statement(s) are executed. If it evaluates to FALSE, the execution of the loop ends.

At the end of each iteration, expr3 is evaluated (executed).


break ends execution of the current for, while, do-while or switch structure.


continue is used within looping structures to skip the rest of the current loop iteration and continue execution at the condition evaluation and then the beginning of the next iteration.


The switch statement is similar to a series of if statements on the same expression. In many occasions, you may want to compare the same variable (or expression) with many different values, and execute a different piece of code depending on which value it equals to. This is exactly what the switch statement is for.


If called from within a function, the return statement immediately ends execution of the current function, and returns its argument as the value of the function call. Calling return from main() function (either explicitly or implicitly defined) is equivalent of calling exit.


The exit statement immediately ends execution of the entire script, and returns its argument as script execution result.


The simplest yet most accurate way to define an expression is "anything that has a value".

The most basic forms of expressions are constants and variables. When you type "a = 5", you're assigning '5' into a. '5', obviously, has the value 5, or in other words '5' is an expression with the value of 5 (in this case, '5' is an integer constant).

Slightly more complex examples for expressions are functions. Functions are expressions with the value of their return value.

NXSL supports the following value types: integer values, floating point values (float), string values and arrays. Each of these value types can be assigned into variables or returned from functions.

Another good example of expression orientation is pre- and post-increment and decrement. You be familiar with the notation of variable++ and variable--. These are increment and decrement operators. In NXSL, like in C, there are two types of increment - pre-increment and post-increment. Both pre-increment and post-increment essentially increment the variable, and the effect on the variable is identical. The difference is with the value of the increment expression. Pre-increment, which is written '++variable, evaluates to the incremented value. Post-increment, which is written variable++' evaluates to the original value of variable, before it was incremented.

A very common type of expressions are comparison expressions. These expressions evaluate to either FALSE or TRUE. NXSL supports > (bigger than), >= (bigger than or equal to), = (equal), != (not equal), < (smaller than) and <= (smaller than or equal to). These expressions are most commonly used inside conditional execution, such as if statements.

The last example of expressions is combined operator-assignment expressions. You already know that if you want to increment a by 1, you can simply write a++' or '++a. But what if you want to add more than one to it, for instance 3? In NXSL, adding 3 to the current value of a can be written a += 3'. This means exactly "take the value of a, add 3 to it, and assign it back into a". In addition to being shorter and clearer, this also results in faster execution. The value of a += 3', like the value of a regular assignment, is the assigned value. Notice that it is NOT 3, but the combined value of a plus 3 (this is the value that's assigned into a). Any two-place operator can be used in this operator-assignment mode.